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Joni Malmi

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Я: Can tell us a few words about your family?

Eiki: My family is the best My fathers name is Helgi and my mother is Kristin

I have 3 Brothers one older and 2 younger

Oldest is Johann, hes a Soccer Player

Then Halldor, Snowboarder

And the youngest is Björgvin, He competes in Horse Riding

Я: which countries you have visited for filming your new video DTF?

Eiki: I have been to Iceland, Sweden, Austria, Helsinki & Turkey

Я: 5 favorite tricks in last season?

Eiki: Thats gonna be a secret till the Movie comes out hehe, this season has been really good so Im happy

Я: what is your best moment in snowboarding career?

Eiki: When I won Readers Choice at the Transworld Snowboard Awards 2010

Я: what plans in your brands, which is the global plan?

Eiki: Now we have 4 companies: Lobster Snowboards, 7/9/13 Belts, Hoppipolla Headwear & Switchback Bindings and they are doing alright, We hope that they just keep getting bigger and bigger

Я: in your brands is very cool design, you participate in their creation?

Eiki: Me and Halldor make all the Designs together with an artist, so its our ideas that he draws up for us

Я: from where did you get the inspiration?

Eiki: From everywhere

Я: What do you do besides snowboarding and skateboarding?

Eiki: I like to relax on the beach hehe

Я: What you may wish to your fans?

Eiki: Thanks everyone I hope you are gonna Like our New Movie DTF,

Follow us on helgasons.com to see what we are up to

Я: and what you may wish to Ukrainian snowboarding community?

Eiki: Thanks every one, I Would like to come someday to Ukraine and Check it out I have never been there, so maybe someday i will come and snowboard over there, Hell yeah

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