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Jeremy Jones Establishes "Protect Our Winter (POW)" in Fight Against Global Warming Crisis

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Park City, UT (March 28, 2007) -- With the effects of Mother Nature?s imbalance far too obvious in the 2007 snow pack, the time has come throughout the snow sports industry to come together to educate and respond to the undeniable global warming crisis.

Always a leader and innovator in his sport, snowboarding legend and longtime Rossignol athlete Jeremy Jones has stepped forward to take a proactive stand, establishing a non-profit environmental initiative under the title ?Protect Our Winters?, also known as ?POW?.

Taking a cue from research and reaction of environmental scientists and snow sports enthusiasts alike, Jones is working with Rossignol and others to establish a ?green? re-direction within the manufacturing process of snowboarding and ski products, as well as creating programs through POW to educate the snow sports public about how simple daily lifestyle choices can greatly reduce ozone depleting gasses which have a direct impact on our planet?s climate shifts and, of course the more evident effect on reduction in global snow pack levels from year to year.

?It?s shocking to look through some of my own photos taken over the last two decades from snow fields all over the world, and to see the clear recession of these glaciated regions? explained Jones ?As a community, our snowboarding and skiing culture has a lot of power to affect change and to get things going in a positive direction again. I?ve learned that making small changes in each of our daily habits can make a huge difference to fight the global warming battle?it?s time to get this information out there and get our collective efforts reversing the damage.?

Jones goes on to stress that getting programs and initiatives in place takes time, human resources and monetary commitment from companies and individuals alike. The first to join in backing his vision, Rossignol came forward with an initial donation of $10,000 in November of 2006, followed by yet more fundraising gathered at their booth during the January 2007 Snowsports Industry of America (SIA) tradeshow in Las Vegas.

?Jeremy?s vision with POW is clearly important, but also timely,?cited Francois Goulet, President of the Rossignol Group, ?With the evidence all around us as we look out at our mountains in the middle of winter, there is no denying that we all need to work together on this, and Rossignol is extremely supportive and proud to back up POW?s gameplan.?

With program details being hammered out day by day, Protect Our Winter welcomes your support and input. For more information, please contact: jj14@sbcglobal.net or visit www.protectourwinters.org

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This crap ain't gonna fly.

Oil companies got americans by the balls.

1. Dude, who was very successful using alternative fuel sources (using water with joe cell and burning bown's gass) got killed.

2. Saturn made bunch of electric cars with 300 mile range. and all of those were destroyed.

These examples are countless.

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Things You Can Do Now

While shredding the mountain, shred your carbon footprint!

Arthur Rosenfeld, a physicist and member of the California Energy Commission says that if Americans can reduce their energy use 2 percent each year for the next 30 to 40 years we would be halfway to stabilizing our greenhouse-gas emissions.

Below are some ways in which you can help protect our winters and reduce the amount of carbon emissions:

1.) Always remember the three essential R?s? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

This could be as simple as: if you are a coffee drinker waking up for the early pow mornings, reuse your travel mug. Almost every coffee shop will fill your own mug instead of using their paper or styrofoam cups.

2.) Try not to buy bottled water. Carry a Nalgene instead which aids in reducing use of plastic production. Plastic production creates emissions and allows more opportunities for plastic littering the environment. If you plan to hit the mountain, carry a Camelbak and fill it with tap water; this will also keep you hydrated all day which is important!

3.) Insist on glasses while at bars and restaurants instead of plastic cups. The cleaning system for most high traffic bars and restaurants is water efficient and this also cuts back on plastic use as well as reducing waste for landfills.

4.) Vote! Vote for people who are going to help reduce emissions. Be sure to read and understand policies being proposed before you vote.

5) Use less paper! Bring your own bags to the grocery store. This will cut back on the use of paper and help save our trees. Also, many stores reward customers like you and give cash back! According to the National Resources Defense Council, the virgin pulp and paper industry is a top emitter of greenhouse gases. You will help save forests, water and help reduce carbon emissions.

6.) Use email whenever possible vs. stamped mail. By doing this, you are cutting back on paper use. Request your bills to be electronic via email instead. These are just a few ways in which you can help.

7.) Plant a tree. Trees act as a natural carbon sink and one single tree can absorb more than a ton of carbon over its lifetime. You can also add plants to your home indoors. Plants help clean the air and give off more oxygen along as aiding in the absorption of CO2.

8.) If possible, drive less! Use public transportation as often as possible, catch a ride to the mountain with your friends. If you?re in the market for a new vehicle, go green and purchase a fuel efficient, less polluting hybrid. This will not only cut back on CO2 emissions but will also save a tremendous amount in fuel costs. Think about how long you warm your car up in the morning.

9.) After a long strenuous day on the mountain and you want to wash up, think shorter, warmer showers. Not only by making your showers warm and not hot help cut back on the energy used, but it is also better for your dry, winter skin. Conserving water is extremely important. Clean water is highly valued and is a diminishing natural resource so we should try and conserve it anyway possible.

10.) Purchase Carbon Offset Credits and help neutralize carbon emissions. These credits purchased replace customary polluting sources with sustainable renewable energy that are used on projects such as schools, communities, power grids, etc. You can calculate your emissions and purchase them right here through Protect Our Winters. Reduce your carbon footprint!

11.) During the off season, build a compost pile. It?s super easy. You can build your own or purchase an inexpensive compost bin. Yard waste and waste from your kitchen will add to the compost pile. Compost makes great mulches and is also great for an alternative fertilizer which is much cleaner for the environment than chemical fertilizers. By adding a compost to your household, will help eliminate the amount of waste that goes to the overused landfills.

12.) Speak Up! Talk to your local mountains about their plans to reduce emissions. Write suggestions in their suggestion box or via email. Participate in your local government and demand that they be smarter about local emissions policies.

13.) Conduct an energy audit for your household, or ask your folks. This will allow you to learn how you can cut back energy use in your home. Seal windows, doors, even flooring to help keep in the heat which will save on energy and keep green in your wallet. It is said by the Natural Resources Defense Council that having a leaky home is equivalent to a 3×3 foot hole in your wall!

14.) While resting up at home, protect your pipes and water tanks from heat lost. Make sure they are properly lagged. Use an insulation blanket if your water tank is a few years old. This is an energy-efficient way to save heat and it also saves on your bill.

15.) Workplace. Choose to work at places that reduce emissions. You are giving these companies competitive edge over the others. Ask your current employer what their plans are and if they don?t have any, speak up!

16.) Join Protect Our Winters! Help bring awareness to these important issues that are damaging our earth and creating shorter winters.

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4.) Vote! Vote for people who are going to help reduce emissions. Be sure to read and understand policies being proposed before you vote.

They only say, but when it comes to the case, they frost.

By the way, pass the clean-up shares of Nature in Carpathian mountains, if interested, I can give a reference.


in this topic only poligloty :D

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They only say, but when it comes to the case, they frost.

By the way, pass the clean-up shares of Nature in Carpathian mountains, if interested, I can give a reference.


in this topic only poligloty :D

gggg...da ya vot tozhe tak zametila))..narodu navernoe prosto vpadlo hot nemgo svoy mozg podnapryagti)))

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Чето все по не-нашенски как-то написано.

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Чето все по не-нашенски как-то написано.

bourgeois gathered*

*буржуи собрались

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bourgeois gathered*

*буржуи собрались

nu kak BE u mnu infa tolko na eng,kotoruyu ya naryla v zhurnale, u menya net vremeni seychas esche s perevodom igratsya..buzhuystvo tut ni pri chem.)) :bw:

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стоит читать? *впадло*

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стоит читать? *впадло*

кратко раскажу, скоро мы от глобального потепления умрем :ag:

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кратко раскажу, скоро мы от глобального потепления умрем :ag:

vot posmotrite teh happening ... film,yyyy,nu ne ochen,no na etu temu...))a esche kto lyubit suicide,to etot film prosto budet mega prikolnym... :ag:

стоит читать? *впадло*

nu tipa,tam prosto napsiany sovety chto kazhdyj mozhet sdelat dlya izbezhaniya potepleniya....nu, a tipa dlya boarderov vse-taki et vazhno...))...da i voobsche vsem dolzhno byt vazhno....!!!!!!

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Пендосы плять...

:ai: dude,global warming otnositsya tolko k pendosam??Te posrat,tipa k Te ono ne otnositsya,tak poluachetsya??

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Пендосы плять...

+1 :af:

Пиздеж на пустом месте. Бабло народ зарабатывает, делов-то.

"Не пользуйтесь аэрозолями, не покупайте изделия из шкур убитых животных!", - знаем, проходили.

Bloody_Flowering, снега и твоим правнукам хватит, не переймайся.

Изменено пользователем bogdan

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Next time such topic will be closed, please, translate into main language of this forum.

Thank you in advance!

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Next time such topic will be closed, please, translate into main language of this forum.

Thank you in advance!

:ay: :ag:

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так доконтса и не доказано что именно есть причиной глобал варминга (буть то цэ о ддва или атомарный хлор )..... :bv:  и многи умнеги даже отрицают его существование, но факт в том, шо надо, бляць, беспокоиццо однозначно

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надо, бляць, беспокоиццо однозначно

если много беспокоеццо можна стать параноиком

сцуко мы все умрем!!!!!!!!! :bm:

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ага или аптимистом как ты)))))))))))))))))

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